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About Mandir Unit

In India, across every faith, an integral part of most houses is a home temple or mandir. It serves as a space that provides solace, comfort and tranquillity for the members of a family (and even visiting guests). Whether you’re a large joint family looking to create a room of worship for the entire home or you simply need a way to incorporate symbols of your faith in small mandir designs in apartments, here are seven home mandir ideas to help you along the way. 

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In India, across every faith, an integral part of most houses is a home temple or mandir. It serves as a space that provides solace, comfort and tranquillity for the members of a family (and even visiting guests). Whether you’re a large joint family looking to create a room of worship for the entire home or you simply need a way to incorporate symbols of your faith in small mandir designs in apartments, here are seven home mandir ideas to help you along the way. 


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