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About 3.

As bathrooms have tiles and pipes and electric sockets it is a tricky space to remodel. It is likely that you will spend most of your budget here. But, before you get to remodelling, you need to first fix up the bathroom. In older homes, the pipes need to be replaced before they rust or burst. The faucets and commodes need to be fixed and replaced. The washroom should be functional before it can be pretty. Once these basics are taken care of you can change tiles, paint walls, change drapes and so on. 

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As bathrooms have tiles and pipes and electric sockets it is a tricky space to remodel. It is likely that you will spend most of your budget here. But, before you get to remodelling, you need to first fix up the bathroom. In older homes, the pipes need to be replaced before they rust or burst. The faucets and commodes need to be fixed and replaced. The washroom should be functional before it can be pretty. Once these basics are taken care of you can change tiles, paint walls, change drapes and so on. 


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